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Why QV Studio?

The only pre-seed program for Quantum Startups

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At the heart of the action

By joining QV Studio, you will be located in the heart of the Quantum innovation zone of Sherbrooke (DistriQ), where the greatest minds and quantum leaders work : Quantum Institute, IBM, PASQAL, Nord Quantique, 1Qbit,...

You will have access to the infrastructures located at the "Espace Quantique 1" (EQ1) from DistriQ, which offers more than 50,000 ft² of flexible office space, conference rooms and technical expert services, through its specialized, and shared laboratory (DevTeQ). You will also have a privileged relationship with the digital and quantum innovation platform PINQ2CMC microsystemand with the Institut quantique.

Cutting-edge quantum infrastructures

The institut quantique, the DevTeQ, PINQ2 and CMC offer technologies such as HPC and quantum computers (including the IBM's Quantum System One), dilution refrigerators, control and acquisition electronics, welding and micro-welding stations, optic microscopes, clean pre-production and sample preparation rooms (wet benches), a prototyping workshop, a software development and photonic optics laboratories.

Pre-seed funding

We have developed an investment strategy favoring massive and prolonged financial support for our portfolio companies throughout their development. We co-invest in your company with venture capital funds specialized in the quantum field (Quantacet and Quantonation).

We will work with you to ensure your startup secures at least CAD 1.5M of dilutive and non-dilutive pre-seed investment over the studio's 3-year program.

Build on a seasoned team

During the first year of the program, our team of experienced entrepreneurs and instructors will give you 150 hours of coaching and training, to help you confidently embody your role as an entrepreneur, and build a winning development plan for your business.

Over the course of years 2 and 3, they will work 1,000 hours, with you, to build your team, your operations, your product development and  business roadmaps, your finances, the protection of your intellectual property… and everything that will be necessary for the success of your business.

They will also work with you to raise a seed round greater than 5M CAD.

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